Journal of ApiProduct & ApiMedical Science


This journal ceased publishing as a separate journal in 2012. The articles are still available (link below).

In 2009, IBRA launched a new peer-reviewed scientific journal entitled the Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science (JAAS). Under Senior Editor Prof. Rose Cooper from Cardiff Metropolitan University, it focused upon evidence-based research being carried out on biologically relevant properties of bee and hive products, and their scientific relevance in the fields of medicine, nutrition and healthcare. The journal provided a forum where the efficacy and effectiveness of bee and hive products with therapeutic properties could be presented, debated and evaluated using scientific principles. Over the next three years, JAAS published 58 papers, including 41 Original Research Articles, nine Reviews, six Notes and Comments, and two editorials. One Special Issue devoted to Malaysian tualang honey was also published. All types of hive products were covered, and JAAS became a forum for both laboratory and clinical research. It became well known amongst scientists working in the apimedical, apitherapy and apiceutical arena. From January 2012 it was decided to incorporate JAAS into IBRA’s major peer reviewed scientific journal, the Journal of Apicultural Research. JAR continues to feature papers covering hive products including pollen, propolis and venom, and the mineral, heavy metal contents and physicochemical and microbiological properties of honey from both honey bees and from stingless bees.

For all JAAS articles

 ©International Bee Research Association. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science may be reproduced in any form or by any means electronically, mechanically, by photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Published by the International Bee Research Association, 1 Agincourt Street, Monmouth, NP25 3DZ, UK.