International Bee Research Association


Promoting the value of bees by providing information on bee science and beekeeping worldwide.

International Bee Research Association


Promoting the value of bees by providing information on bee science and beekeeping worldwide.

International Bee Research Association


Promoting the value of bees by providing information on bee science and beekeeping worldwide.


The 2 winners from the IBRA 2nd Art Competition!


1st prize Keyla JIMÉNEZ from Venezuela and
2nd prize Jelena CIRIC from Serbia!


Select each image below to see an enlarged version.

1st prize_ Keyla JIMENEZ

WINNNER: Keyla JIMÉNEZ from Venezuela

2nd prize_ Jelena CIRIC

2nd prize Jelena CIRIC from Serbia


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What we do


Produce digital and printed journals

At IBRA we have been producing journals on bee information for over 70 years. Sign up above to access them.

Scientific Information databases

IBRA has one of the largest databases of scientific information on bees and bee-related interests in the world.

Publish books on bee-related subjects

IBRA is internationally recognised as the world’s primary source and foremost provider of information on bees.


International Bee Research Association - IBRA
International Bee Research Association - IBRA2 weeks ago
Besafebeehoney Cost Action!
1st International Conference BeSafeBeeHoney - Proceedings
Open Access here, Bee World Journal , 2024, 2nd issue
International Bee Research Association - IBRA
International Bee Research Association - IBRA2 months ago
Do not miss also the 5th issue of Journal of Apicultural Research!
Lots of reading during Christmas and New Years' Days!
International Bee Research Association - IBRA
International Bee Research Association - IBRA2 months ago
Dear friends, scientists and beekeepers!
The 2nd issue of the 101st volume of Bee World Journal is just published! And it starts with an interesting introduction from the Editor Robert Brodschneider "The Different Moods of Beekeeping" commenting on the cover photo of our 2nd winner of 1st IBRA's Art Competition!
Bee an IBRA member here: and have access and printed issues of all volumes of Bee World Journal.
Subscription to JAR also here:
International Bee Research Association - IBRA
International Bee Research Association - IBRA2 months ago
IBRA is wishing you all the best for the Holly Days and New Year!
International Bee Research Association - IBRA
International Bee Research Association - IBRA2 months ago
IBRA is seeking for a UK based financial assistant.
We are seeking candidates with a proven track record in financial management.
Remote working, 8 hours per week. Remuneration will calculated according to average Treasurer /Financial Officer pay in the UK.
If interested contact: [email protected]